Following this week’s verdict on the Derek Chauvin case in the USA our national association issued a Twitter press statement, which we have re-produced here.

“The verdict against Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd is welcome for anyone committed to anti-racism, but we know that racism remains a real issue in society and in the UK today. We all have a role to play in challenging it at a structural and individual level.

Recent reports like the Sewell report don’t reflect what our evidence says about racism in our society, and we stand in support with organisations who have challenged its findings.

This includes the Runnymede Trust, whose work is vital in tackling racial disparities and challenging racism in the UK today.

Read their statement in full

It’s clear from our own research that Coronavirus has had a disproportionate effect on people of colour.

Our Excess Debts research showed that 1 in 3 Black people had fallen behind on bills during the pandemic, compared to 1 in 8 white people.

During the pandemic, we’ve also helped thousands of people who are subject to No Recourse to Public Funds — with the burden of these restrictions falling on people of colour.

82% of those who came to us for help with #NRPF were from a Black and Asian Minority Ethnic background.

And if you’ve been affected by discrimination, we have advice to help:

If you’ve been discriminated against in housing:

If you’ve been discriminated against at work:

The Equality Advisory Support Service is available to help if you’ve been discriminated against. Find out more:

Stop Hate UK have a range of resources and information for organisations who can provide support:

Childline have information and support for young people who’ve been the targets of racism and racist bullying.

And @true_vision_hc have a list of organisations who are able to support targets of hate crimes:

Help is also available from Salford Citizens Advice on 0808 27 87 802.

All Citizen Advice Bureaux in Salford and Greater Manchester are Hate Crime Reporting Centres.

Tom Togher

April 2021.