Despite government claims of an upturn in the economy, many people still feel insecure in their work and unsure of their rights at work.

The law gives you protection. Your rights include:

  • the right to a written statement of terms and an itemised pay slip
  • the right to be paid at least the national minimum wage
  • the right not to have illegal deductions made from pay
  • the right to paid holiday
  • the right to paid time off to look for work if being made redundant
  • the right to paid time off for ante natal care
  • the right to paid maternity and paternity leave the right to ask for flexible working to care for children or adult dependants
  • the right under health and safety law to weekly and daily rest breaks
  • the right not to be discriminated against
  • the right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed
  • the right to claim redundancy pay if made redundant
  • the right of a part-time worker to the same contractual rights (pro-rata) as a comparable full-time worker
  • the right of a fixed-term employee to the same contractual rights as a comparable permanent employee.

These are just summaries – and it’s a very good idea to check the limits in all of these rights.

You will find lots more detail on your rights and what you can do to ensure you are treated fairly at work on the Citizens Advice Service’s Advice Guide web site (

When it comes to enforcing your basic employment rights, our experience is that this can sometimes be difficult. We are always happy to help you, and if you would like to talk anything through just contact any of our offices for more help.

For help from Salford Citizens Advice visit your local bureau in Eccles, Irlam and Cadishead, SalfordCity, Swinton, Walkden or at Salford Royal.

Telephone our advice line: 0844 826 9695 (if calling from a landline or if calling from a mobile 0300 456 2554).

For Irlam and Cadishead please note that our bureau has moved into Cadishead Library.

Tom Togher.