Make Sure the Loan Sharks don’t bite!

Loan Shark awareness campaign:

Each year in Salford, and in other parts of Greater Manchester councils and advice services organise a loan shark awareness campaign in the run up to Christmas. Households are under great financial stresses, and few times of the year are worse than the next few months.

Salford City Council had organised loan shark awareness training for front line workers. The training is aimed at helping people recognise the danger signs, and to let them know what help is available. To find out more contact

Advice agencies across the city, and in other parts of Greater Manchester also make sure that anyone who needs advice about their financial situation, or about a loan shark, can get advice straight away. If you need urgent advice about any money problems and you live in Salford phone us on 0161 974 6721, and for other parts of Greater Manchester you can get in touch with your local Citizens Advice service through our Greater Manchester Advice Line 0300 330 1153, Monday to Friday 10 to 4pm.

This year’s awareness campaign is running up to December 8th, so watch out for the publicity material. If you have been or know somebody else who has:

  • been offered a cash loan without paperwork
  • been threatened when you couldn’t pay
  • had your benefit or bank card taken from you
  • had a loan which keeps growing even though you are making payments;

You may be dealing with a loan shark! Phone the special anti-loan shark line on 0300 555 2222.

More generally, if you are trying to get help for an urgent issue, and you live in a vulnerable household you might be able to get help from your local council. In Salford this scheme is called ‘Salford Assist’ and you can contact it through or on 0800 694 3695.

The run up to Christmas is always a good time to think about joining your local credit union, where you can get small low cost loans quickly. You can find out about your local credit union by contacting the national association of credit unions through

Make sure the loan sharks don’t bite!