Sorting Out problems with your Childcare:
Sorting out good child care, and resolving any problems that you might have with child care providers can be difficult. It’s also one of those big areas of life that people don’t always know how they are regulated, or what to do if you have a problem.
Child care services are regulated by Ofsted. What they recommend is, unless you think children are at risk from harm from the childcare provider, it is usually best if you discuss your concerns with the provider or the person in charge before you contact Ofsted.
If you are a parent or carer and can not sort out your concern through discussion, you can make a formal complaint by writing to the provider. (It’s always a good idea to keep proof of any letter, and of its posting.)
The law says that providers must have a process for handling written complaints. Home childcarers do not need to have this process.
If you are not satisfied with their response, or your concern relates to a matter you can not discuss with your provider, you can contact Ofsted for help.
All registered childcare providers, except home carers, must keep written records of complaints.
Ofsted will write to you to tell you if they can or can not investigate the problem. If they can not help, then your local Citizens Advice Bureau is the best place to ask for help.
To contact Ofsted, phone 08456 404040 or go to (The Ofsted leaflet 080120 explains what Ofsted can do to help)
You might also want to contact the Family Information Service on 0800 298 9121.
It might also be useful to speak the council – perhaps there is a track record with a certain provider, and if so, they might be able to help. In Salford you should email
For help from Salford Citizens Advice visit your local bureau in Eccles, Irlam and Cadishead, Salford City, Swinton, Walkden or at Salford Royal (which is open until 8pm on Thursdays).
Telephone our advice line: 0844 826 9695 (if calling from a landline or if calling from a mobile 0300 456 2554).
For Irlam and Cadishead please note that our bureau has moved into Cadishead Library.
Tom Togher